It’s Not About Dying, It’s About Living

In today’s world, we are often seeking new opportunities to add ways to live a better, happier or healthier life. Even insurance companies are finding ways to take on new approaches to do this by creating policies to save money and earn rewards by living a healthy life. One of these companies, John Hancock, has […]

An Essential Estate Planning Option: Utilize “Split Dollar” Approach

In today’s ever changing economy and political environment, there are several unique estate planning tools that one can consider. An essential piece that should be a part of every sound financial plan, is life insurance.Knowing what product to use and how to fund it requires careful analysis but can make a significant difference in protecting […]

An ‘ILIT’ Strategy for Life Insurance

You have worked hard for your money. Don’t you deserve to shelter it from excessive taxation upon your passing? The answer is “yes.” And for those of you smart enough to reap millions in your lifetime, you should consider an estate tax insurance premium plan that limits additional taxes upon its payout. Many wealthy individuals […]

An Overlooked Foundation of Business Succession Planning

When its owner for more than four decades passed away suddenly, Troy Belting and Supply Co. in Watervliet, N.Y., could have collapsed, as do many family businesses that lose their leaders. Instead, the company continued to operate and grow, partly thanks to a succession plan funded by life Insurance.         “We were able […]

Banks Believe in Life Insurance, Shouldn’t You?

You might be surprised to learn that many banks often choose to make life insurance a significant percentage of their top-tier or ‘Tier 1″ capital pools. Banks retain billions of life insurance on their books in order to provide liquidity to substantiate the bank’s other riskier practices. Therefore, the ability to quickly convert the dollar […]